Dating Poem

This dating poem is written to express the thrills and ambiguities of a first date.

While dating can be full of promises and possibilities, yet it's also fraught with dilemmas and hesitations...

First impressions usually make a quite a hard imprint on our minds and our initial feelings about a person usually last for quite sometime. After the first date, if we feel rather lukewarm towards that person, it's quite unlikely that such feelings could intensify into keen interest within the next few dates. That's what I've found out myself. :)

Meanwhile, have fun dating and hopefully you'll recognize the right one for you!

Dating Poem

Firsts on First Date

Thinking back to our first date
where you scored several firsts
First on being late though
you did sheepishly call to inform
Shaking my hand with
your slightly cold and nervous hand
you had a bright smile on your face

You said you had something for me
and pulled out a little chocolate bar
being the first to show up with a gift
perhaps to make peace for being late

Over refreshing lime juice at a cafe
we talked for over three hours
so many varied topics in that time
and so for long till breaks and pauses
sneaked into the conversation

Nearing the end of our extended chat
you were so relaxed and comfortable
till you rested your smooth shaven head
in the palm of your hand
while I looked away at nothing at times

When it's time for me to say goodbye
you promptly stood up as I stood and
ardently asked for a second date
which I agreed to as I thought why not

You made another first
when you told me in a sincere tone
about how you really enjoyed our date
and wished me a great weekend ahead

You created several firsts
on our very first meeting
yet my heart was undecided
and I found it sitting on the fence
not knowing for sure to go forward
or to pull back and move on to next...

Copyright © 2009 Fion Lim. All rights reserved.

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