Falling in Love Poems

In need of falling in love poems to affirm what you're feeling right this moment?

Ah... the ecstatic feelings of being enveloped by the possibility of romance, love and adventure...

Let these poems about falling in love help you put words into some of your feelings that seem to have gone haywire.

You won't be forewarned, you probably won't even know what hit you, but before you know it, you've fallen and you want to be with that person like always and forever!

Enjoy the ride and bask in this gloriously fleeting experience while it lasts.

Falling In Love Poems

They Fall In Love

When two people
are deeply in love,
the outside world stands still.

In their entwined hearts,
In their connected minds,
In their joined souls,
only moments,
only minutes,
only seconds,

Two people,
embracing each other,
existing only for...
you and me,
for us.

Always desiring more,
always hungering more,
always giving more,
to create,
to savor ,
to hold onto,
more moments together.

Falling in love,
deep, deep love,
into you and me,
into us,
they fall hopelessly.

Copyright © 2008 Fion Lim. All rights reserved.

Am I Falling?

Nay it couldn't be
I've only met you once
Yet that once keep on
Replaying into countless times
In my mind and in my heart
Each gesture each word
Magnified many times over
I tried to squash rising feelings

When I thought about you
My heart started to flip
I didn't know how but you
You seeped into my imagination
Blurring lines of reality
I smiled a little smile
Savoring each bit of detail
Sweetening my memories of you

I tried to snap out of it
Focusing on the task at hand
Inevitably your face popped up
Future thoughts occupied by you
Thoughts of seeing you again
Brightened me up visibly
Praying this time it'll be different
Perhaps something good and worthy
Something worth falling into

Copyright © 2009 Fion Lim. All rights reserved.

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