Short Romantic Love Poems
Here's a collection of short romantic love poems that sing of the romance and love so evident in a relationship. Some of these poems paint a loving memory shared, while others will reveal the common hopes and dreams for a beautiful future with the man or woman you're in love with. Enjoy!

While You SleepTurning around and seeing you sound asleep A startling spell of emotions welled up in me Sparking off such a deep longing within me To want to stay by your side this way Watching you sleep for the rest of my days by Fion Lim
Hold Me TightWhen the world appears to fall apart With you holding me in your loving arms My erratic heart beat begins to slow To a pace where serenity reigns Knowing somehow that it'll be alright As long as we are in this together. by Fion Lim
It Needs Not RhymeMy love for you my darling Needs not fall in perfect rhyme Words of feelings often doesn't rhyme To truly express what I felt for you Please just know that I love you.
by Fion Lim
Voice ConnectionDid you know that whenever you spoke to me over the phone I wore a smile over my face Because your voice connected me To your heart residing far away. by Fion Lim
Walking Beside YouBeing with you is all I care about No one makes me feel the way you do A walk anywhere beside you is a pleasure When lovers are holding hands and Lost in talking about hopes and dreams Wishing a future of us in our hearts by Fion Lim
Dressing Up For YouPulling out skirts and dresses Tucked in the seldom used corner Wearing the brightest smile Complementing my excited heart You bring out the femininity in me by Fion Lim
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